In 1993, after the time when the law land allowed assignment of the land-use rights , The Real Estate market in Viet Nam was formed, since then The Real Estate market has been continous developed and been affirmed as a big role in the economy and in each family’s life... ![]() Condomiums play an important role in the modern urban’s development, when explicated modernize and concentrated dense population is the time for the emergement of the urgent problem and pressing demand of the housing and housing price and other public ultities… ![]() When the economy is developed and has the foreign expansion, the number and the scale of the domestic is increasingly... ![]() In recent years, the tourism activities are continously developed, the quantity of foreign tourists visit Viet Nam and domestic one are rapidly increasing along with the extended of eating, relaxing and entertainment demand...
![]() When the production is improved, the demand of using ground surface to produce and the storage is also increased, it’s leading to the appearance of many industrial parks, industrial clusters…
![]() Natural resources is one of the input factors of the production process. Considering the scope of the whole world, without resources, there will be no production and no human existence. As the world's population is increasing...
![]() As the economy grows, the population increases, the demand for housing is also constantly increasing. In contrast to the rural housing creation is carried out by family ... ![]() Nowadays, Viet Nam population is about 100 milion people, including more than 60 million people live in rural areas, agricultural land area’s acreage is 9.4 milion ha... ![]() Having inherited 55 years of Vinacontrol development and taken the advantages of the good process and diversity databank... |